понедельник, 21 апреля 2014 г.

download bidStalker for eBay 1.1.9 for free

bidStalker for eBay


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bidStalker is a program intended to help you, the user, monitor and stay on top of any eBay auction by providing a behind the scenes service of gathering auction data and notifying you if certain notifications are set. bidStalker works best with Android versions 2.1+ and you do not need an ebay account to monitor auctions.

Features include:

- Monitor active and save completed auctions to your phone

- Set notifications on individual auctions including: bid increases, if an auction goes above a monetary amount, and 5 minutes left in the auction

- Customizable update intervals of: off, 1/2 hour, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours

- International support featuring support to natively add the following eBay sites with prefixes:

U.S.A. Classic - http://cgi.ebay.com

U.S.A. Mobile - http://ift.tt/MxLqwC

Canada Classic - http://www.ebay.ca

Canada Mobile - http://ift.tt/MxLqwE

U.K. Classic - http://www.ebay.co.uk

U.K. Mobile - http://ift.tt/1kc8y2H

Australia Classic - http://www.ebay.com.au

Australia Mobile - http://ift.tt/1kc8Ab0

Germany Classic - http://www.ebay.de

Germany Mobile - http://ift.tt/1kc8y2L

Global - http://global.ebay.com

Download .apk

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