понедельник, 5 мая 2014 г.

download Copy Calendar Events free android app

Copy Calendar Events


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Copy Calendar Events allows you to copy or move calendar events among your Android calendars directly on the device. It operates using calendar providers so you can also copy or move events to and from non-Google calendar providers, such as PC Sync.


- Free demo app is available

- Compatible with Android 2.2+

- Daily and hourly scheduling with or without notification

- Copy from/merge multiple source calendars into one target calendar

- Copy preview: exclude individual events from copy

- Copy options: move instead of copy, overwrite target events, empty target calendar before copy, change event's privacy/visibility during copy

- Copy details: include/exclude event details such as name/title, description, location, reminders, guest list (*)

(*) Includes option to prevent sending invites by copying attendee names only (excluding their email addresses); useful for personal backups

- Filter options: include/exclude past events, cancelled/rejected events, privacy filter, day of week filter, multiple custom text filters on various event fields (contains/does not contain, starts with/does not start with, etc.)

- Multiple copy profiles with individual settings and individual schedule

- Owner/organizer mapping (if an event's organizer is the source calendar owner it is mapped to the target calendar owner if possible)

- Plug-in for Tasker/Locale to automate performing copies


If you do not see all events from your corporate calendar (Exchange) there is a chance that not all events are synchronized to your device. You can change the synchronisation period (Days to sync) under Settings > Accounts & sync > Account settings.

Some PC Sync calendars on Android 2.x mark all events as cancelled, meaning you cannot use the option to exclude cancelled events (no events would be selected at all).

Progress indication and cancelation of ongoing scheduled operations is available on Android 4.0 or higher via the notification bar.

The Internet permission is used for error reporting only.


If you have any questions, please send an email to:



calendar, calendars, event, copy, transfer, move events, backup events, duplicate, sync, batch, automate, schedule

Download .apk

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