четверг, 5 июня 2014 г.

download Hunter Elite free android app

Hunter Elite


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Hunter Elite is the ultimate hunting app!

It saves your position, important markers, and that all important blood trail! It can also do what the other apps can’t. It can send your exact location to any phone that can receive text messages. Your friends will be able to see exactly where you are in the woods! No other app can do this!! This is a must have for anyone going into the woods!


Hunter Elite uses the GPS signal in your Android phone to record your hunts.

Even without internet access (3G), Hunter Elite will still remember your tracks and in an emergency, it can broadcast your location.


If you get lost or injured, your friends have your last transmitted location. This can be relayed to authorities for a quicker rescue.

Hunter Elite uses a lower grade signal which is available almost everywhere. It keeps you safe and gives your loved ones peace of mind when you are out in the woods.

-Keep in Contact-

Have you ever been on a deer drive or gone bird hunting and lost track where your line is? Ever wonder if you’re aiming in a safe direction? With Hunter Elite you can see where everyone is using Google maps! Their exact position is being updated all the time.


Trying to remember where you saw that scrape or rub last fall? Members can access their information 24/7 so you know right where to set up your stand!

-Bragging Rights-

Send your kills to support@backtrailtech.com and we will post them show off to the other Hunter Elite members.

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While we are adjustments to the characteristics of DC Comics by Warner Bros download Hunter Elite 1.0.006 apk free . Are accustomed come, it looks like Paramount Pictures is behind a new adaptation of one of their most intriguing comic book series. Deadline reports the studio has bought the rights to The Mighty of a graphic novel by Keith Champagne and Peter Tomasi with art by Peter Snejberg. Apparently the creator of the rights possessed himself, that's why the deal landed by Paramount as Warner Bros. The book itself provides a unique spin on the typical comic book superhero stories by a mortal, Tough Cop Chase villain one, one of the superhero is.

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