download Splash Math Grade 1 Worksheets apk free
Splash Math Grade 1 Worksheets
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★ 90% OFF on Splash Math App for Holidays. Happy Holidays :-) ★
Fun math practice for the entire school year. With 13 chapters covering over 185 math skills and an endless supply of problems aligned to Common Core, this is by far the most comprehensive math workbook in the Play Store for kids aged 4-6.
★ WINNER of Stevie Award 2013 for "Best Educational App"
★ WINNER of Tabby Award 2012 for "Best Educational and Training app"
★ WINNER of "Best Elementary Student App" (2011), by
"Of the educational apps that I have reviewed, it is a more expensive application, however, the capabilities and skills that your children will master will be well worth your money!!" -
"This app is very educational and has a vast amount of content" - Giggle Apps
+ Interactive Content - Children drag and drop shapes, pop bubbles, rotate clock hands and more to solve problems. With it's simple user interface and visual graphics, problem solving is never boring.
+ Personalized Learning - Each topic starts with easy level and based on the child's progress, the medium and hard levels are gradually unlocked. The practice mode can be used to focus on problem areas.
+ Fun Games - Take a break between sessions and enjoy playing with fun creatures in the aquarium. Earn new ones such as angel fish, clown fish, squid, crabs as you earn more points. The more you practice more the prizes!
+ Weekly Email Reports - You can track your child's progress reports by our awesome weekly email reporting feature. Parents love it.
+ Scratch Pad for Rough Work - Child can use a scratch pad for all his rough work.
StudyPad has the best suite of Math Apps on digital devices. Each app is comprehensive with virtually infinite number of questions covering wide range of topics. All the content is aligned to common core standards. This app covers following topics:
1. Place Value - Ones; Tens; Numbers to 100
2. Number Sense - Counting; Compare numbers; Order numbers
3. Addition Concepts - Sentences; Add with models; Model part-part whole; Add 0; Add in any order; Make a number
4. Subtraction Concepts - Sentences; Subtract with models; Subtract 0; all; Take apart numbers; Subtract to compare
5. Addition Strategy - Count on; Double facts; Make a ten; Add three numbers; Add numbers to 10; Word problems
6. Subtraction Strategy - Sentences; Relate addition; Fact families; Numbers to 10; Word problems
7. Addition and Subtraction - Equivalent sentences; Fact families; Mixed operations
8. Two Digit Operations - Add tens; Add ones; Two digit subtraction
9. Data and Graphs - Pictographs; Tally charts; Bar graphs
10. Time - Read analog and digital clocks
11. Money - Identify coins; Count coins
12. Addition Refresher - Add 0; Add 1; Add 2; Add 3; Add 4; Add 5; Add 6; Add 7; Add 8; Add 9
13. Subtraction Refresher - Subtract 0; Subtract 1; Subtract 2; Subtract 3; Subtract 4; Subtract 5; Subtract 6; Subtract 7; Subtract 8; Subtract 9
+ More than 25,000 classrooms in US
+ Parents for daily homework, practice
+ Teachers in the classroom
+ Homeschoolers
+ Parents for previous grade review
+ Parents for preparation for next grade
* StudyPad Apps also available for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
+ Facebook:
+ Twitter: @SplashMath
+ Website:
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M Splash Math Grade 1 Worksheets apk free download . Night Shyamalan Last Airbender Super Bowl TV SpotIn the meantime, you can teaser trailer teaser trailer for The Last Airbender from last June here.Watch the Super Bowl TV Spot for M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender:Paramount has debuted its Super Bowl TV Spot for M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender a few days too early , probably because an official trailer meets early next week as well. I must say, this looks pretty frickin 'awesome. Convinced the more I see of The Last Airbender, that that Shyamalan is the perfect director for this. His style plays perfectly into it and see the quality of the recordings also great. And it looks like they spared no expense either, so they look completely awesome and full of effects. I hope this is the start of the anime trend in Hollywood. Can not wait to see more!
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