суббота, 2 августа 2014 г.

Android Photo Review apk free download

Android Photo Review


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View, rate and label your RAW photos ready for importing into Adobe Lightroom 3/4 and Photoshop Elements. Supports most RAW formats.

Rate images from your DSLR on your tablet or phone.

The rating information is saved with the image, and is automatically applied to the image when it is imported into Lightroom/Photoshop Elements.

Note: Lightroom will not import metadata from a sidecar file for jpegs and DNG, therefore your ratings/labels won't appear in Lightroom. A free version (Android Photo Review Lite) is available for you to test before purchasing this app.

If you have problems, please contact me and I will work with you to try and fix any problems that you are having.

Save time by rating your raw photos on site during the shoot, and then import the photos with ratings into Lightroom when you get back to the office.

Features (new in bold):

Set Title and Description for image, tap to edit

Image count and Jump to image, tap little numbers e.g. 3/23

Double tap to zoom in image viewer

Flat or Cover Flow image selection

Improved support for LR3 and LR4

Improved UI, swipe between Histogram and Title/Description

Auto Advance when changing rating or label

RGB Histogram.

Background loading of Image and Histogram on main screen

Bolder colour labels

Improved layouts for tablets and phones

No Ads !

Label Images (Colours - Red/Yellow/Green/Blue/Purple).

Keyboard shortcuts for viewing, rating and labeling.

Email support from preferences screen for help.

View images.

View Exif information.

Rate images.

Note: Viewing large images will be scaled down to approx 3000 x 2000 due to memory constraints.

Supported formats for viewing:

Canon - CRW and CR2 full raw files, sRaw not tested (but reported to work).

Pentax- PEF

Olympus - ORF

Nikon - NEF

Panasonic - RW2

Sony - ARW

Panasonic - RAW Some newer cameras produce these files with an embedded jpg.

Fuji - RAF partial support, can view image but not exif data.

Minolta - MRW

Not Supported:

DNG - partial support:

* Pentax generated DNGs, can extract embedded jpg.

* Leica M9 - Minor support, no embedded jpg to preview, just low quality tiny thumbnail.

* Others - Unknown. Please try and let me know how you get on.

RAW - old Panasonic raw files, no embedded jpg to preview.

TIF - No plans to support.

If you have raw photo files that can't be processed, email me a couple and I will try to add support for them in the app. Please contact me if you are having problems rather than just giving my app a 1 star rating. I can't help you if you don't get in touch.

Getting started:

Use the "Config" button (Hammer and Spanner) to configure select the folder with the images you want to view/rate.


The folder needs to be writeable, and should be under "/mnt", "/sdcard" "/removable" or start with "/usb".

File Browser - When selecting source folder:

• Tap folders to enter them.

• Tap image files to view.

• Tap parent directory or the back button to move up the directory tree.

• Press and hold for a context menu to select folder, cancel a selection or exit file browser.

• Exit without making a selection by:

1. Selecting "Exit File Browser" on context menu

2. Keep pressing the back button to exit

3. Long press of back button

Image Preview:

Photos in the source folder are displayed on the main screen.

• The main photo can be changed by dragging the gallery control (looks a bit like a film strip) or by swiping left/right.

• Tap image to view full screen.

Raw Photo Viewer:

• Fling left/right to change image (or <> keys)

• Drag to move ( or cursor keys)

• Pinch to zoom (or +- keys)


• Tap or drag on stars to select rating from 0 to 5.

• Keys 0-5 to set rating.


• Select colour label from drop down list.

• Keys 6-9 to pick colour. No shortcut for purple.

Download .apk

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