воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

download Address Finder 2.2 for free

Address Finder

Travel & Local

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Identical to "Address Finder (Free)" but without the ad banner. Get the address of your location on launch. Quickly zooms to your location and displays your complete postal address with zip code on Google Maps. Automatically updates the address as you're moving for real-time address tracking.

Get the address of another location by touching the map or dragging the map marker. Easily share the address as a link via email, SMS, Google+, or Facebook, etc. Recipients can view the user's location and address on Google Maps and get directions. Press the app icon to refresh the location.

Address Finder uses the latest version of Google Maps, quicker loading with vector-based 3D-Map and Hybrid views. Use gestures to zoom, scroll, rotate, and tilt. Push the App icon to refresh to the current location.

Perfect if you want to find addresses on the road when street numbers are difficult to see. Quickly get the address of the building or home that you are in and share it with friends. Kids can let their parents know exactly where they are in seconds. Easily find addresses of nearby buildings to help you find your way. May also be useful for home-seekers or real estate agents.

Address Finder works throughout the world and displays addresses in regionally adjusted languages and formats.

Please email the developer with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Download .apk

Must Watch: Woody Allen's Whatever Works Official Trailer[ Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page]Sony Pictures Classics has the official trailer debut for the newest comedy Woody Allen's Whatever Works with Larry David and Evan Rachel Wood. This is not the best trailer , but at least it is an honest look at the latest Manhattans history from the mind of Woody Allen download Address Finder 2.2 apk . I had the opportunity to see this a month ago and loved it . It is everything you 'd expect from a Woody Allen film, but with Larry David, it is even kookier than I thought it would be. Even if you do do not usually 're a Woody Allen fan, this is a movie you could just fall in love with!

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