воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

download Clinical Examination for free

Clinical Examination


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Clinical examination has been developed for the medical students and doctors which will help them in their clinics and exams.

Clinical Examination is a source for a quick overview of the patient physical exam. This app is full of information about clinical examination.

Different systems examination has been mentioned in full detail and a lot of pictures has been given so to understand it easily.

The application explained different systems as following:

1- General Physical Examination

2- Gastrointestinal System Examination

3- Cardiovascular System Examination

4- Respiratory System Examination

5- Nervous System Examination

6- Thyroid Examination

7- Breast Examination

Download this helpful application now. You ll find this application more valuable. Share it with your friends and colleagues.


• Each System has been explained fully.

• Contain self explanatory pictures and diagrams.

• Friendly and easy to use.

• Easy to study.

• Every clinical maneuver has been given with diagrams.

• Important from examination point of view.

Download .apk

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